A new label for a new year

We are happy and proud to announce that your Sure Hotel Châteauroux & restaurant Amarys have obtained the green key label!
How does this transpose?
In room:
- Water savers / pressure reducers on taps and showers
- LED or low consumption bulbs on more than 75% of our lighting
- Mostly eco-labeled room cleaning products for better air quality
On the menu :
- Many products from our region and coming directly from producers available in our grocery store
- Organic and/or fair trade products offered
And more :
The green key label also means supporting great initiatives in line with the team’s values
- UNISOAP: 1st French association that recycles hotel soap to provide access to hygiene for the poorest
- Pampering bees: 40% of wild bees are threatened with extinction. We welcome them and protect them. They do not live in colonies, do not make honey and do not sting!
To find out more, the environmental charter of the hotel – restaurant is available here !